Monday, June 25, 2007

Adam & Kelly's Wedding

I officiated at a wedding yesterday for two of my former students.  They both graduated last year.  It was a beautiful wedding but a little unusual.  For instance, before the wedding party marched in, the groomsmen entered waving flags of nations Adam and Kelly had visited or flags of nations they intend to visit in the near future.  Both Adam and Kelly were Mission Majors and have traveled to many countries already.  When the wedding party came in, there were 11 guys and 11 girls.  It was the largest wedding party I have ever seen.  Each couple danced or slow-stepped to a different song.  But the song was only one minute in duration.  It was lovely.  Everything else was a normal wedding until I introduced Adam and Kelly as man and wife.  Instead of walking down the aisle, once they had gone down from the platform, Adam kept walking but Kelly stopped.  As Adam turned around halfway down the aisle, Kelly picked up her wedding dress and ran into his arms.  Luckily, he caught her.  I just want you to know, I really tied the knot tight and had so much fun doing it.
Dr. Rodney White
PO Box 6451
Lakeland, Florida 33807

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