Monday, June 25, 2007

Adam & Kelly's Wedding

I officiated at a wedding yesterday for two of my former students.  They both graduated last year.  It was a beautiful wedding but a little unusual.  For instance, before the wedding party marched in, the groomsmen entered waving flags of nations Adam and Kelly had visited or flags of nations they intend to visit in the near future.  Both Adam and Kelly were Mission Majors and have traveled to many countries already.  When the wedding party came in, there were 11 guys and 11 girls.  It was the largest wedding party I have ever seen.  Each couple danced or slow-stepped to a different song.  But the song was only one minute in duration.  It was lovely.  Everything else was a normal wedding until I introduced Adam and Kelly as man and wife.  Instead of walking down the aisle, once they had gone down from the platform, Adam kept walking but Kelly stopped.  As Adam turned around halfway down the aisle, Kelly picked up her wedding dress and ran into his arms.  Luckily, he caught her.  I just want you to know, I really tied the knot tight and had so much fun doing it.
Dr. Rodney White
PO Box 6451
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Investing in Futures -
"Coaching and Equipping the Next Generation"

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Shipment to the Bahamas and Haiti

Today was another one of those red letter days.  We sent out two shipments today.  The first truck load of 9 pallets of computers and printers went to the Bahamas.  Vance and I had the truck loaded by 10:00 a.m. and on its way to Ft. Lauderdale where the pallets will be placed on a ship and should arrive in the Bahamas next Thursday. 
At 1:00, a Missionary to Haiti came and picked up two pallets of things (overhead projectors, scanners, VCRs, slide projectors, and listening lab systems.  He was able to get both pallets of stuff in his van but he had to take all the seats out.
Tomorrow, Vance and I head to Valdosta again for another load.  We will be going to both school districts.  This time, we are taking our wives.  They have become real troopers.  It will be a delight having them go along.  We have promised to take them to the Cedar River Seafood Restaurant for all their hard work.  We should have a fun but profitable day.
Stuff is coming in, stuff is going out.  It does not get better than this.  Glory!
Dr. Rodney White
PO Box 6451
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Investing in Futures -
"Coaching and Equipping the Next Generation"

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Third Trip is a Success

Gerry and I had a good trip going to Valdosta and back getting the third and final load.  Vance and I unloaded the semi today and got everything pretty well organized in the warehouse.  We brought back 17 more pallets of textbooks.  That brings the total to 42 pallets of textbooks.  Oh how I wish I could ship all of them to Ghana immediately.  They need them so desperately.  Got $10,000.00? 
Vance has already deleted the data from the harddrives of 78 computers.  22 to go to get the load ready for Mexico.  Vance, thank you so much for your hard work.  He worked both days Gerry and I were in Georgia. 
My wife and Vance's wife Sharon worked hard again today categorizing the textbooks.  If they do one pallet a day, it will take 42 days.  That works out to 8 weeks if they work 5 days a week.  In other words, that would take their entire summer.  Maybe Vance and I can help them when we get every ready for the Mexico trip.  We are supposed to have it ready in two weeks. 
The plan is to take 5 computers, one printer, five desks, and 20 each of the sets of text books to 20 schools in Mexico.  We hope to get it all in one container but that is a lot of stuff.  Glory!  This is so much fun.
Thank you again for your generous support making it all possible.
Dr. Rodney White
PO Box 6451
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Investing in Futures -
"Coaching and Equipping the Next Generation"

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Monday, June 11, 2007

Heading To Valdosta Again

My wife and I leave tomorrow for Valdosta for a third load.  The semi is supposed to arrive at 7:00 a.m. Wednesday like it did on Friday.  Vance has been hard at work deleting the data on the computers we brought back Friday and already has 31 reformatted.  We only unloaded the semi Saturday morning. 
Vance's wife Sharon and my wife Gerry have been hard at it processing all the books.  Of the 25 pallets of books we brought from Georgia, they have already sorted through 8 pallets. Their legs and backs are killing them, but they keep on going.  They work as hard as Vance.  Sharon and Gerry, thank you so much. 
I have contacted three missionaries to see how many books they want so we can get the ball rolling.  If you know any missionaries you think can use Literature and Writing textbooks, have them contact me.   
Dr. Rodney White
PO Box 6451
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Investing in Futures -
"Coaching and Equipping the Next Generation"

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Friday, June 8, 2007

Second load from Valdosta

My wife and I just returned from Valdosta tonight about 8:00 p.m.  We traveled up yesterday and spent the night because the semi was going to arrive at 7:00 a.m. this morning.  By 7:30, Mike Powers and his crew was helping us load the semi with 15 pallets of textbooks and 100 computers.  By 11:00, the semi was headed to the warehouse in Tampa.  But the loaves and fishes keep multiplying.  We will return Wednesday next week for the third load but I am afraid even then we cannot get it all.  It may take a fourth semi.  Glory!  That is a lot of stuff, one horse trailer and 3 semi loads.  There are a lot of people around the world going to be blessed beyond measure.  What a God!
Dr. Rodney White
PO Box 6451
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Investing in Futures -

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Wednesday, June 6, 2007

One Year Anniversary

Glory!  Investing in Futures is celebrating its first anniversary.  It has been a whirlwind year.  I have been able to minister in Venezuela, The Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and just last week, Tobago.  Also, we have given away over 750 computers, 750 desks, and seven pallets of text books plus a host of other stuff. 
We just returned from Valdosta today.  Mike Powers had told me that he thought we could get everything in Vance's horse trailer.  By the time we got there, Mike Powers said that everything had multiplied like the loaves and the fishes.  So my wife Gerry and I will be traveling up to Valdosta again tomorrow to begin putting everything on pallets for the semi which will arrive at 7:00 a.m. Friday morning.  I have a feeling it is going to take 3 or 4 semi loads to get all this stuff.  Isn't God good. 
 Requests are coming in from all over the world.  I have never seen anything like it.  Vance told me today that he has never been involved in anything in his life as exciting as this.  He has also applied for a passport for the first time in his life because he also wants to travel overseas with me.  God has really sent me a close, hardworking, friend in Vance.  Vance, thank you so much for all your hard work.  Mike Powers, thank you also for all the supplies you continue to entrusting to us to give out to the world. 
I can hardly wait to see what the second year holds!
Dr. Rodney White
PO Box 6451
Lakeland, Florida 33807

Investing in Futures -

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