Tuesday, May 22, 2007

My Head Is Still Spinning

Wow. What a week and it is only Tuesday. Pastor Kelly Lacy phoned me Friday from Elizabeth City, North Carolina saying that he had won the bid on 500 school desks at a school auction and that I needed to come get them immediately. I send Bro. Phil Robinson of National Disaster Relief out of Jacksonville with his semi rig to North Carolina. Bro. Lacy told me there was no need for me to drive all the way up to North Carolina to help them load the truck, that he would handle it himself. And handle it he did. He had six to eight guys helping him and they had 400 desks loaded on the semi and Bro. Phil was on his way back to Florida in a little over an hour. That is some serious packing.

Pastor Kelly Lacy kept 100 desks with him in North Carolina and is going to deliver them to the Indian Reservation in Lumberton. Glory. What a pastor and what a vision. Pastor Lacy, thank you so much and thank you also for paying for the desks at the auction.

So yesterday (Monday), since I did not have to drive to North Carolina, Vance, Gary, Ernie, and I headed to Georgia at 6:00 a.m., loaded 75 computers, 100 monitors, and some printers into the horse trailer, and still arrived back home in Florida by 5:00 p.m.

Today, we four men met at the warehouse to unload the horse trailer. No more than thirty minutes after we finished unloading all the computers, Bro. Phil arrived from North Carolina and we then unloaded all the school desks. Pastor Lacy and his crew had really packed them in there. School desks must be loaded and unloaded one by one. There is no way to stack desks neatly on pallets. 400 desks are a lot of desks. By the time we finished unloading both vehicles, we were no longer perspiring, we were flat-out sweating. We finished around 1:00 p.m.

At 1:30, Pastor Franco Ferelon of Tampa Gospel Kingdom came to the warehouse to see about getting computers and desks for Haiti. Now isn't that just like God. And what timing. Now get this. Tomorrow we are going to load 165 desks that we just got today and take them to Bro. Ferelon’s church where he has a container ready to ship everything to Haiti. He is also getting 55 computers, 5 TVs, 20 computer desks, 2 typewriters, 2 filing cabinets, 20 inkjet printers and 20 laser printers. Glory. The warehouse is almost empty again. Isn't God good?

If all that is not enough to make your head spin, at about 2:15 p.m., I received a phone call requesting 100 computers for Mexico. At least I have been given one month to get this order ready.

Lord, I need more funds and more computers.
I want to thank each of you for your generosity in helping make all of this possible, and for making my head spin.

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